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A member registered Jun 01, 2020

Recent community posts

The graphics are good, the music is good, the puzzles are good. Overall, the game is amazing; I really like it. It's challenging but fun, and really makes you think about the answers. The only piece of criticism I would give is the controls. I don't really like the use of the arrow keys, if you are to develop this further I would recommend adding an option to use the WASD keys

This is a very good game. I love the puzzles, they are very interesting and challenging, but fun. Honestly, this could probably do well as a standalone game, outside of the game jam

The game is very good, however I've noticed there are several ways to softlock yourself, such as by pushing blocks too far away to reach when you can't extend the tube further

It's a cool concept, however the player really should get a lot more warning before the death blocks fall. It could work well, however at this point it is basically just random chance whether you progress or fail

It's a cool concept, however the bright colours really hurt my eyes, and the graphics aren't the best

It's good, but extremely difficult. I've accidentally clicked out of the window 3 times now and died because of it, which is infuriating. Good music and sprites, though